Home Instead Senior Care launches Pensioner’s Handbook

The launch of a Handbook for older people was welcomed by Kathleen Lynch, T.D., Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Older People, Equality and Mental Health. The Irish Pensioners Handbook 2012 features advice and information on a wide range of issues including allowances and entitlements, medical, health and nutrition matters, the various options for elder care, home safety information, legal and financial information and much more. It was produced by Home Instead Senior Care with the support of Age Action and the HSE.

Minister Lynch commented, “I would like to congratulate all those associated with this publication which provides a wealth of useful information not only for pensioners and their families, but also for carers and service providers. The priority for the Department and the Health Service Executive over 2012 is to improve the care for older people as they access a range of services.“

According to Danette Connolly, Director of Care with Home Instead Senior Care, the handbook is an invaluable information source for seniors and their families.

“Many seniors have difficulty accessing details about public services and entitlements available to them. The purpose of the handbook is to provide information on the areas that affect seniors including allowances and entitlements, medical advice, advice around the home, health and nutrition and dementia and Alzheimer’s care.”

Care Choices feature prominently in the handbook and serves to dispel the confusion surrounding care options for seniors. The Pensioner’s Handbook provides practical advice on choosing home care and also provides guidelines for employing a carer.

Ms. Connolly added, “Many seniors and their families are confronted with having to choose some form of care as they get older. Depending on an individual’s health, wellbeing and outlook, there are many different care options to choose from.”

“The Pensioners Handbook will give seniors and families the information to make an informed decision about the best care options available to them individually.”

“Whether it is being cared for in a nursing home or in their own home we want seniors to know that they should expect the very best professional care and should also know their entitlements and where to turn if in any doubt about best practise.”

Eamon Timmins of Age Action said, “Information is power. As a national charity for older people, Age Action passionately believes in empowering older people. The existence of entitlements and services is one thing – making people aware of them is a completely different challenge – which is why we are very pleased to partner with Home Instead Senior Care and the HSE in producing the ‘2012 Irish Pensioners Handbook’. It really is a valuable tool for older people.”

The Irish Pensioners Handbook 2012 features information on:

· Allowances and Entitlements for older people and carers

· Medical Advice

· Home Care

· Advice Around the Home

· Nursing Home Care

· Dementia and Alzheimer’s care

· Tips on Health & Fitness, Nutrition & Diet, Holidays & Travel

· Financial and Legal advice

· How to deal with Bereavement

It also has a directory of older person’s organisations and other useful contacts.

Call Home Instead Senior Care in Waterford on 051 333966 to order a FREE copy of the Irish Pensioners Handbook.

Log on to www.homeinstead.ie to download a pdf of the guide.