Enterprising app developer helps visitors navigate Ploughing Championships

To give visitors a taste of what to expect at the South East Enterprise Village, Bizapps.ie, one of the exhibitors from Waterford, has developed a useful app for anyone going to the National Ploughing Championships.
The ‘Enterprise Village’ app has just been officially launched and is available on both the iPhone and Android platforms. The app showcases companies from Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford, giving details on every business exhibiting within the South East Enterprise Village this year. It also has contact information for all the South East Enterprise Boards and a map showing the location of the Enterprise Village on the site.
The company’s owners, Pat Jones and Brian Crotty, believe that this app will prove an invaluable aid to anyone travelling to the National Ploughing Championships, which take place in New Ross, Co. Wexford from September 25th to 27th.
According to Pat Jones, Head of Technology with Bizapps.ie the app will allow visitors to get the most from their visit to the Enterprise Village at the Championships.  
“There is an interesting and diverse range of companies exhibiting within the Enterprise Village.  In fact, sixty four South East based companies, from energy monitoring to app design technology to GAA gear will be exhibiting at the Village.  The app offers a comprehensive listing and location map of all the businesses showcasing at the event.  Visitors to the Village will be able to plan their visit and call to the stands that are of particular interest to them.”
Bizapps.ie provides affordable Apps for iPhone, Android & iPad platforms targeted at SMEs, Community Groups and Growing Businesses.  The Apps allow Businesses and Community Groups to promote their events or products and incentivise customers/users with special offers or vouchers. 
In December 2011, 55% of all mobile phone sales in Ireland were smartphones.  Globally the trend seems set to continue as the International Data Corporation predicts sales of smartphones will grow to 982 million by the end of 2015.
Since 1999 Bizapps.ie has been involved in the design and implementation of many different handheld device programs and have expert technical, training and sales experience in this area.  
To download this free app, smartphone owners can log on to the app store and search for ‘Enterprise Village’.
The South East Enterprise Village is organised by the local County and City Enterprise Boards in Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford City and County and Wexford.
If you are interested in finding out about the range of apps from Bizapps.ie contact Pat Jones or Brian Crotty on 053 941 0099 or email info@bizapps.ie.